Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Snow dyeing fabric to create circle designs

There are some blogs that I read on a weekly basis and when I was cruising blogs last week I saw this great idea on Carol R Eaton's blog. She is rubber banding items in her fabrics and then snow dyeing them.  I love the circle design she got with the wiffle balls. We had a bit of snow last week so I tried it out.

I had a bunch of styrofoam balls for another project. I also had some balls I made from aluminum foil (not perfectly round, but round enough). 

I did one large fabric with larger balls.

And a smaller piece of fabric with smaller balls.

Of course I throw on a couple other fabrics while I'm at it.

Here comes the snow!

With dyes added. I just sprinkled them on and was probably too heavy handed.

After the snow melted.

Close up.

 Here is the fabric that had the smaller balls.  I think it turned out great and plan to make it a field of flowers.

 Here is the one made with the larger balls. I think I should have wrapped the rubber bands a bit tighter around some of the balls as there are areas with no pattern.

 Close up.

This piece I just twisted and kind of rolled up (no balls).
This is a piece I just scrunched and laid across the whole screen, so it got warm and cool colors (no balls).

I love this portion and think it looks like trees. I can't decide whether to cut this section out or leave in the green and red area that is above to have it be more abstract. What do you think?

 I also dyed some cheesecloth as well.

I really enjoy snow dyeing as it is very easy. It was nice that I could do it outside as it was 60 degrees the day after the snow. I have some fiber projects to work on today and hope to have an interesting project done by Friday for posting.

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