I've been wanting to try using Bubble Jet Set to print on fabric using my inkjet printer.
I made this cool pattern using a Citrasolv technique and bubble wrap with National Geographic magazine. I scanned it into my printer so I could print it on the fabric. I also used some photographs I had taken this year: wisteria, poppies, a winery, and a snow scene.
I was sad to read the bottle and see that it is for use with cottons and silks, as I have a ton of polyester sheer. Oh well. I dug up some silk organza, a small silk piece from a previous marbling experiment, some ice dyed cotton, and some white muslin.
I soaked the fabric in the solution for 5 minutes. I squeezed out my fabric, but re-reading the instructions, it says to not wring, oops. It didn't seem to affect my results. I put these outside on a clothesline to dry. I ironed the fabric to freezer paper and cut them to 8 1/2" x 11". I then printed onto the fabrics.
After waiting an hour, I removed the freezer paper and rinsed these in the sink with some Synathrapol detergent. I then rolled them up in a towel to dry.
Here are my results. I really like the prints on the silk organza. Unfortunately many of the organza pages got smushed up in my printer, and jammed it and gave me organza with lots of black ink yuck on it.
Pretty cool!
Amazing work!